Reviews on the movie seem to be mixed. Some people are saying that it is better than the first movie. Douglas Gresham even said (I'm paraphrasing, but this was the gist) that the director turned one of the weaker Narnian books into a stronger movie. Others are saying the film is too violent for children and are complaining about changes from the original.
Since both film and book are fresh on my mind, here's my take.
1. Violence. Yep, this is a more violent movie than the first. People die by the swords of mythological creatures, talking animals, and teenagers. Peter even decapitates someone. There is not much blood or gore in the movie and compared to Lord of the Rings, not to mention your average war movie, it's pretty tame. But it is something to think about before taking young children, especially if they scare easily.
But for the record, the book may be even more violent. There were at least two, maybe three, decapitations in the book! Of course, the medium is different, so its a bit more innocuous in the books. But let it be said that the film doesn't really stray far from the original in this regard.
2. Strong points in the movie. Here's a few: better music than in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Better action sequences. Better special effects. Slightly stronger acting from the children, though the script seemed weak in a couple of places. Aslan seems more majestic in this film than in the first and Liam Neeson's voice worked for me this time. So, as far as a comparison between the two films are concerned, this one is better.
3. Hollywoodisms. There are quite a few of these. Peter has a teenage boy attitude that is quite foreign to the book. He and Caspian compete for control, whereas in the book, Peter comes to serve Caspian and help him gain the throne. Susan seems to develop a crush on Caspian and even steals a kiss at the end. Kind of annoying. I doubt Lewis would have approved of either.
4. Story changes. In addition to the ones above, there is an attack on Miraz's castle that is not in the book. (It's actually one of the better sequences in the movie.) Peter and Caspian are both tempted to call back the White Witch through Nikabrik's sorcery (this is the scariest scene in the movie), while Edmund saves the day. I'm not sure Lewis would have liked this either. None of the children flirt with this temptation in the book, though Nikabrik does make the offer to Caspian. There are also quite a few things in the book which are assumed in the film, and the order of events is switched around and jumbled up a bit. I can live with all of these changes - some of them even in help.
However, the film is almost completely missing the mythopoeic qualities that make Prince Caspian more than a story about battles, but rather a story about beauty. The crisis of Narnia in Prince Caspian is not that "it's always winter and never Christmas" (as in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe), but that the beauty, magic, and joy of Aslan's reign has disappeared. The native Narnians (i.e. the mythical creatures and Talking Animals) are in hiding and the Telmarines reign instead.
When Aslan returns in the book, he brings this joy

These typical Lewisian notes (he frequently weaves into his stories elements of Greek and Roman mythology, "sanctifying" them, so to speak, in the presence of his Christ-like figures) are almost entirely missing from the film - and the loss is great. (The river-god does show up, though, in some pretty cool CG animation). But Narnia itself is just not as Narnian as it should be. The battles and armor take over and the victory at the end seems somewhat anti-climatic - the triumph almost hollow.
5. Conclusion. So, do I recommend the movie? Yeah - it sure beats the PBS version (which I've never been able to stomach for more than 30 seconds!). It is relatively clean and definitely exciting. Most of the additions to the book are actually pretty good. The problem is what's missing. The film just doesn't capture the beauty of the book. For that, you'll have to read Lewis himself.
[For the record, I was helped several days ago by this rather critical review of the movie. At first, I was a little skeptical of this guy's skepticism. But what he wrote actually made me want to finish reading the book, to see for myself what he thought was missing from the film. When I did, I understood what he meant - and says much more eloquently than I have.]
Tim encouraged me to NOT read the book this time before seeing the movie and I am so glad that I listened to him. Because I didn't remember most of the plot, I was able to enjoy the movie for what it was: a movie. And I really liked it (but you're right, the movie seemed to be lacking the beauty I remember from the book).
I'm off to read the book again! :)
Interesting...I haven't seen the movie yet (was unimpressed enough with the first one to not rush out to see Prince Caspian), so it's nice to read your take on it. From what I've heard, they took some liberties with the book - some good, some bad, some ugly - which always happens with movie adaptations, but I do get the sense, from viewing TLTWATW that Adamson and crew don't really "get" the heart of Lewis's books. It's a pity...maybe someday they'll get a filmic treatment from someone who actually loves and more or less understands them.
How did your oldest son respond?
Lewis's use of mythology and folk lore (eg., Father Christmas) has intrigued me for a while as a communication technique.
Thanks for the review! I have many thoughts...but just want to leave it at this ;) ...
My heart soared to see CS Lewis' name on the big screen! I just HOPE they make all these movies!!!
Stephen enjoyed the movie immensely.
It is good to see Lewis's name on the big screen. I hope it will send people to his books, especially his non-fiction. Perhaps some fantasy lovers and movie goers will come to faith in Christ via Lewis.
Good to read your comments, Brian. When did Mere Theology become Light and Heat?
Hoping to see the film on Thursday, the first day it is in our theatre here in Bathurst.
the makers of Prince Caspian kept to the original story in some ways and strayed in others... i heard they were going to make it into a silly pure-action flick, but thankfully this was not the case
I just saw the movie, and I was very impressed with it. It's a darker side of Narnia...I don't know if I'll review it until I can read the book and see it again. But then again I really want to.....
We'll see. The soundtrack was definitely better. I thought the CGI Aslan was less strong than in LTWW.
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