In August of this year, Ben Seal and I will travel to South Africa to spend a week serving the faculty, staff, and students of Back to the Bible Training College in Barberton.

This will be Ben's second trip to the college, and my fourth. We will spend the week preaching, lecturing, and training students. My focus will be on expository preaching and leadership development. Ben will be teaching through John Piper's book Desiring God.

Our travel and lodging costs will be covered in full by our sending church. But a crucial part of our ministry to the college is providing books for the students. This is where you can help. I would like to purchase 105 ESV Study Bibles, 85 copies each of the New Bible Commentary and New Bible Dictionary (because some of the students already have these), and 120 copies of a good book on preaching. We can purchase these books from a bookstore in South Africa and have them shipped directly to the college. But it is expensive. To do all of this will cost approximately $15,000. If you would like to help, please send your donation (payable to Fulkerson Park Baptist Church) to the following address, with "Books for Africa" written on the memo line of your check:
Fulkerson Park Baptist Church
c/o Brian Hedges
1234 Fulkerson St
Niles, MI 49120
Every dollar you send will be used for the purchase and shipping of books. I can think of few ways to put your resources for missions to better use. These books will equip future pastors and leaders in Africa with the tools they need to preach and teach God's word. Most of these students have very few books in their libraries - perhaps a used Bible and one or two other books. To equip them with these kinds of study tools is a wonderful investment. So, I hope you'll join in!
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