
An Update on Christ Formed in You

We're now about two-thirds through the editing process of Christ Formed in You. Kevin Meath has three chapters on his desk that will them come back to me. I've recently sent three rewritten or revised chapters back to him. Depending on how Kevin thinks these are shaping up, these could also come back to me for more work. On top of that, we still need to finalize the introduction to the book, I need to write brief intros to the three parts (one of which is substantially finished, though not turned in), and an afterword.

Dr. Donald S. Whitney has graciously written the foreword to the book and it is now in hand.

We recently received a positive mention from Mark Tubbs at The Discerning Reader.

Between rewrites, pastoral responsibilities, and other reading, I'm reading Roy Peter Clark's Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer. It is the best book on writing I've read so far, better even than William Zinsser's On Writing Well.

And here are two new posts at The Making Of . . . site on the Table of Contents and my perspective on the benefits of editing.


  1. All of that sounds exhausting! :D

  2. I know I've said it before, but I'm really looking forward to this book. (I've pre-ordered five copies).

    Was blessed to talk on the phone with your dad Sunday evening. We miss them so much.
